these are our top 5 scandinavian movies from the 90s and 2000s:
1) Adams Æpler/Adams Apples - You might expect another boring danish drama (like I did) but this is an excellent pitch black comedy. If you find stuff like cancer, nazis and child rape funny you might not be very sane but director and writer Anders Thomas Jensen makes this funny and moving in a sick but clever way. Reccomended to people who don't take movies too serious.
2) Insomnia -
The only norwegian movie I acctualy like..I have really nothing more to say, except that if you like psychological thrillers you should see the original ! (And not the awful Hollywood remake)
3) Voksne Mennesker/Dark Horse -
A young deadbeat, his overweight friend who works at a sleep clinic, a beautiful girl on mushrooms, and an insomniac judge - the main characters of this quirky danish movie. It's perfectly shot in black and white, and directed by icelandic Dagur Kári. Watch this if you like peculiar/cute/absurd comedies about pretty much nothing.
4) Tilsammans/Together -
A swedish movie taking place in a community in 1975, where it's okay to be gay, communist or naming you kid after the Tet offensive.
Göran: You could say that we are like porridge. First we're like small oat flakes - small, dry, fragile, alone. But then we're cooked with the other oat flakes and become soft. We join so that one flake can't be told apart from another. We're almost dissolved. Together we become a big porridge that's warm, tasty, and nutritious and yes, quite beautiful, too. So we are no longer small and isolated but we have become warm, soft, and joined together. Part of something bigger than ourselves. Sometimes life feels like an enormous porridge, don't you think? Sorry, I'm standing around dreaming.
5) Populärmusik från Vittula -
Matti is bored by the village life, and Nila get's beaten by his father every day. Matti longs after the first fuck, and Nila tries to fight his dead grandmother. This is a weird movie with surrealistic elements in a totally realistic story. If like movies about music, friendship, magical transvestites, finnish people, penis shaped thumps and the struggle for finding your true self, this definitly is the movie for you. If you just like movies you should probably see it too.
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